Captain's log #21

The song is taking shape big time. I rehearsed and recorded the guitar track yesterday and went to bed in a state of euphoria, absolutely pumped up by adrenaline; it took me long to fall asleep.

I finished tracking and closed everything without even relistening. One of the parts, despite my efforts, is in the reds at some moments, that's all I know. But while playing I had this great sensation you get sometimes as if, instead of playing, you were taming some kind of beast. This is what makes great the rehearsals with a band, and in this case I have the plus factor of finally taking out my chest a song that's been living within me since 2013. Needless to say, everything else pales like cheap cardboard compared to these moments. I live for this shit.

Today is one of those days where the arrival to music land seems far far away, at the other side of the Chores mountains, full of thorny canyons and dangerous trails that lead to nowhere. Something I can do is repeat yesterday's method; one pass of drum improvement and then on to the instrument. I like the way it balances the load.

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