Captain's log #11

Ouch. While I was waiting for this page to load, I got informed of Tom Petty's passing away.

So many memories of my friends in my tape days, and more recently, of how about a couple of years ago "Hypnotic eye" helped me so much, in what was easily one of the worst periods of my life; in those days I listened to that album time after time, it was the thing of beauty in my shitty days... "I have a dream/I'm gonna fight till I get it...". So solar, so easy going... And the so timely and intuitive final song, since then in my habitual personal repertory: "Shadow people/what's in their minds?"

I'm too sad to say something more coherently, so I'll just move on to the log.

Yesterday it took me around 28 seconds to discard Ardour's Midi editor as a viable tool: I multiduplicated a drum part, then I tried to edit one of the copies, and I couldn't; neither add nor substract notes. Further investigation showed that for some reason, some of the duplicated parts were editable, others weren't. I still tried to find a workaround for that; maybe copypasting one of the "good" parts, the ones that allowed edition... But the copypaste pasted a blank. Conclusion: no workaround possible when you're facing pure random chaos. What a good thing that it happened so soon.

About two hours later, I had the solution with Qtractor. Now I'm in the middle of the action, writing (in both senses) the drums for "Now you're talking". Today I'll educate myself a bit more about Qtractor's controls, and try to finish the first "plank" of the drum track.

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