Captain's log #34

Haven't done the music part yet, but I figured I'd take this entry out of the way first in case I'm too tired later.

Perspective for today: first, check vocals' validity. I think they will do. Fingers crossed.
Second, a lot of tiny confusing things. I'll try to be diligent and maybe finish the song today (I think I'm being fooled by Hofstater already...). Meaning, finishing the tracking part, after which it will be so good and healthy for my psyche to work in some different song and come back later for the production part with fresh ears...

The main hurdle I see is how to make QTractor's midi output be received by Ardour as several tracks (one per Drumgizmo instrument). I've researched this thing several times and never found the way to do it, or even (yikes) if it can be done. Maybe QTractor is more in beta than I thought? I hope it's just a case of the confusing documentation. Worse case scenario, the battery goes untouched, as a one track thing. Given that it sounds so good, the loss wouldn't be terrible (although there would indeed be loss. For example, the kick gets lost in the mix during the final crescendo, bummer).

In addition to that, there's more amusing stuff, like adding sweeteners (which given my genre I've gone in the tongue-in-cheek habit of calling "bitterners"...)

The whole day I've felt a bit melancholic and confused ("clearly confused", as David Allen says). I don't feel like doing much with music, but I hope it becomes one of those cases when after the first resistance time starts to fly. If not, at least I get to check the box...

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