Captain's log #28

New tests with guitar tones. I estimate I have like 2-3 more days of tests until I have everything tamed. But I'm happy because I can jam along the way, so it's not all boring theory and parameters.

Looking back in perspective, today I've been a bit too confident, a bit too quick. I've tried to go back to the "one pass of drums then tracking", but it was too soon, too much work. I should have focused only in consolidating the new guitar stuff, that I just discovered yesterday. There is an energy cost to the change of activity; although there is also a cost of boredom and therefore morale effects on doing only one task for too long... A dynamic balance.

I promise myself that once I have a decent guitar tone in place, I won't shake things for at least two albums. Unless, of course, a certain song demands something special that requires innovation. But other than that, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

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