Captain's log #20

My drumming powers got greatly enhanced after installing VMPK (short for Virtual Midi Piano Keyboard - It works flawlessly in live recording with Qtractor, and configuring it is as simple as activating one option from a drop down menu), plus the watching of a few generic "Midi drumming" videos --without falling in the "getting prepared" trap--.

To that I can add Qtractor's "randomize value" option, which is great because allows a percentage (1st time I tried a 7% in a cymbal and it was too much, 3% made it a matter of minor touches here and there).

So the drum track is very advanced, the feared arrangement is almost there (to be more precise in the state "every time I listen to you I change you I'm gonna get you you sneaky bastard"), and soon I will leave it and move on, with the "safety valve" of going back to it later if something sticks too much later as a no-no when I listen to it with fresh ears.

The same goes for the bass line. There is a couple of things I could improve, but the general vibe is there so I'll move on and see how it works when adding new layers, always with the same "safety valve" at hand.

So the chances are, if I play my cards well, I could be layering some guitars today, muahahah...

I'll extend this log's deadline till 23, as in Butthole Surfers' "22 going on 23" (from the album, I can't resist to say the name, "Locust abortion technician").

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