Captain's log #12

Yesterday I worked in the drum track in a great state of flow. Ath the end it was like "hey, you have to go to bed now, buddy, this thing is calling you, you know, physical exhaustion".

I got to the end of the song's drums, although technically I didn't get my "plank" because, after printing the demo, I discovered one of the sections (replicable, not a problem) got garbled. In general terms, with a couple of non-damaging crashes as the exception, Qtractor seems rock solid. Too soon to say for sure, anyway, as I'm still learning its ways and  sometimes it's not easy to tell when I screwed up or when it was a bug.

And regarding Drumgizmo... Oh my god. At some points makes you wonder "when the hell did a professional drummer sneaked into my demo?". Those 2.4Gb of the kit are worth every bit.

As I'm still getting familiar (and with a couple of concerning things that I still have to learn), I'm going to make "Now you're talking"'s drums pretty barebones; in the style of a punk drummer who occasionally listened to Kyuss and Brujería. Optimist as always, I'd like to move to tracking bass in 2 days; it all depends on how much time I can take for the sessions. There's still a lot to do, I haven't touched velocity, I guess the swing for certain notes will have to be adjusted manually, and also, this song has a long buildup that requires to add some more changes in the structure... But hey, I'm sailing at last, and all signs seem to show that it's going to sound killer... Let's keep at it.

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