Trying a 'log thing

Lately I've felt very far from music, even though I know, i always know, it's the best thing that's in me (bear in mind my interest in music started way before the accession of home computers, and it won't change a thing for me the day they become "the penultimate wonder").

I blame this distance on worries and stress. Life has squeezed me extremely these latest 4 months. Granted, my superpowers have also risen considerably (I'm in my forties, top of the hill baby!), but music, real music, is a delicate thing that needs a bit of buffer and comfort.

I changed my computer recently and it's been an odyssey. After having things configured to my liking, the screen started to act weird, so I had to back up everything and start again after the attempt at repairing (useless attempt, for worse, as the technicians acted like in Monty Python's dead parrot sketch).

Now I have a guitar laying around, a hard drive full of half finished songs and documents on how to finish them, and not much motivation to push myself.

An idea I've had to try to improve this sad state of affairs is using this blog in the literal sense of the word (short for weblog, if you didn't know it). Writing a few daily entries like a captain's log, writing an entry even to report that there's nothing new to report. Hopefully, this "oligocommitment" will help me get in the mood, the zone, the babystep, to move forward...

I'll write pretending that no one is watching (heh, impossible not to think here about Dead Cross' recent album: "Dance... like nobooody's waaatching..."). In fact, considering my numbers, that's not far from the truth. But I'll try to be dry and not introspective, a strange practice for me. For example, today's entry would go something like:
No activity. Tired and dull with so-called-real-life. Yesterday I processed a few of my notes, which have been piling up these weeks. There are fragments for a new song, working title "Raised in mirrors", that has been kinda imposing on me lately; I'm reluctant about working on it because I'm afraid it could be an unconscious plagiarism, but fragments and fragments keep coming... It's a voice+acoustic kind of deal, maybe it would be a nice final touch at  the end of my country blues album...

I'll commit to a minimum 7 days of this kind of log (to see how hard it is on me, if it works, and also because by then the novelty effect will have worn out...)

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