It gets worse before it gets better

When I was getting started in the habit of flossing, I remember there was a very ugly first period. My gums bled, and, while I was at it, I sometimes noticed a disgusting scent of halitosis in my mouth, something that hadn't ever happened to me before.

If I didn't know better, perhaps I would have thought it was stupid going on with that practice, which, on top everything, was gruesome and took me forever. That flossing thing must be for sure harmful; I felt much healthier before I started doing it!

Obviously, it was not that I was healthier, but that before the filth was hidden. A Lean transformation is a bit like that. In the first moments can be overwhelming; problems start to emerge everywhere. But it's like that old adagio, "the first step to resolving a problem is acknowledging you have it". You are free to hide your organizational problems under the mat, but you cannot escape to the consequences of doing that. At some point, they may come and bite you. Of course, if you want, you can ignore it forever. Survival is not mandatory.

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