Posting Standards

  • I will write every day about my musical activity
  • The posts will be no longer than 20 lines as they appear in the blog's editor. If I feel that I need more than that to explore a certain matter, I'll try to be as brief as possible
  • To avoid overcorrection, I will use the "typewriter mode": I can delete only the final "tail" of what I'm writing, but not going back. I don't want this to become an exercise of style (I cannot afford it, tbh)
  • I don't want to generate inventory: I won't keep a list of ideas for new posts, etc. I will choose each day what I write
  • I intend this to be an "under the radar" exercise. I will do my daily writing when I feel like it,  undocumented in my productivity systems --the great exception--. I don't want it to become yet another chore, start making tradeoffs with myself, etc
No more standards by the moment. Setting too many standards too soon can stifle the process. I'll see what I find and act accordingly.
Someone may notice that my yesterday's post was a comic strip, which has nothing to do with this list of premises. I hope it serves as a demo of what I think standards are for: not to burden yourself, but to know what's within standard and what's not. Yesterday's post was off-standards; if, as days go by, comic strips keep coming, I'll have to either restrain myself or modify the standard.
I like to say that things should be written down, but nothing should be ever written into stone, as reality is in constant flux, and any line you draw is only as good as the help it brings you; yesterday's strip came to me, it was Sunday and I had the time, and if I hadn't taken the idea to expression, it would still in my head, where creates pressure and no one can profit from it. This connects with the intent of not creating more inventory; the immediateness of Internet allowed me to do that on the spot.
So this is a balancing act of factors, the art is learning to draw better lines, to lace them better, and keep an eye on when they are still a guideline or when they have become a distraction.

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