Twisted music

More and more lately, I'm in a mood where I enjoy very convoluted music. Music that does not come easy, that feels almost like noise in the first listening (and, therefore, does not demand much of your attention), and you have to "work your way" through it listening after listening until you get to recognize something familiar.
Some of the albums I've been listening to, and which satisfy this criteria by very different means, are:

*Phil H. Anselmo and The Illegals, "Walk through exits only"
*Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band, "Trout Mask Replica"
*Incantation, "Onward to Golgotha"
*The Shaggs, "Philosophy of the World"

With more to come. I don't know, it's like, the disjointed and creepy state the world is in (at least the world I live in), needs, asks for a soundtrack equaly disjointed and, yes, often creepy. Anything less than that feels false and a waste of time...

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