More people should jam econo

I recently stumbled with great pleasure upon this documentary about the Minutemen, a band that I only knew sparsely, and that I've been getting into more since.

I love the band's mentality, their very articulated and yet down to earth philosophy; concerts should be made more available, something you can go to after work, on your way home. Bands should grow up everywhere like mushrooms.

Undoubtfully, if little venues with all kind of bands playing were as numerous are ATMs are now, we would be living in a different kind of world.

A part that cracks me is how excruciatingly self taught they were; this is particularly impressive considering the great technical level they achieved. In their formation years in the 70s, there wasn't Internet or other information sources available, so they spent several years playing unaware of the fact that the instruments needed to be tuned; they thought it was just a estetic peference, as in "I like my strings tight", "oh, I prefer them looser".

I cannot help picturing the moment of the discovery, D. Boon or Mike Watt rushing into the rehearsal space all pumped up and breaking the news to the others: "Guys, I have great news! You're not gonna believe this..."


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