I understand that cap!!!

I once heard in some podcast (and mentioned it in some entry of this blog) of this technique a DIY musician had to differentiate his different "roles" or "personas" when making music; using different caps to signify he was in "musician mode" vs "producer mode"; quite a trick to make physical the difference of mindset, remembering the things to focus upon are different in each case...

I'm 99.98% sure that the cap that appears in the background of this Yamaha promotional video means that someone has taken that concept one step further, customizing a cap that you can wear in two very different positions, each with a different color. I'm even willing to bet that the producer/engineer (the one with the focused, singleminded approach) gets the position with the visor, while the willy-nilly musician, son of chance and whims of muses, gets the most informal one... (He is also probably the one who wanted to buy a cap like this in the first place; I know I would... :) ).

(Here is the link the to the whole video, in case you would like to watch it for some reason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irUEtmrkfr4&t=1s).


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