Yesterday all I did was doing the rearranging of the drum structure. The song is now like a "Frankenstein" (my favorite simile this season) that has still not been stitched; on the table I have a head, followed by a neck, then a torso and the arms... Everything side by side, already in the correct place but still not a unit. I don't know where will I start today, I can do those transitions, or maybe changing the velocities; Drumgizmo with the additional human feel must be a blast... And now that I think of it, I'd rather do some experimentation with the guitar, I need a somewhat convincing guitar feedback in the box; I asked in the LinuxMusicians forum and got 2 ideas, I better try them soon so I can report the results... My hypothesis is neither of them will work but I will learn a lot in the process; no problemo, there is always sampling, or building upon that trick I used in "Zombie barf"... To be honest, yesterday I was this close to not doi...