"The Leak Song"

Bff. Arg. Pant. Hot from the presses, as imperfect as it gets, please imagine the cracks and pops come from an original gramophone, with one of those disks that only had one side.

The composition of this one was a bit like those stories we've seen in plenty of comedies, full of artistry epic:

The musician: "OK, let's call it a day, it's been an hour jamming and we're just straining ourselves, let's face it, today we won't be able to make a new song" (utters a distracted chord as he gets ready to switch off)
The producer: "Wait a minute! What did you just play?"
The musician: "What, this?"
The producer: "Quick, engineer! Keep recording!"

The song is based on an actual event. Here is the picture of the actual leak to prove it:

And here are the lyrics. A persistent problem I've been facing with these quickies is that the recorded voice is difficult to understand. I'll probably tackle that problem the first when this challenge ends...


There's a big leak right in my roof
and it's been pouring its misery down into my room
Just when I thought things could not get worse
trouble still finds ways to take yet another bit of my soul

I can't move over
I won't go back
I think of ways to get to the future or to the past

the water's no one's
the roof ain't mine
tonight it seems only misery is inside my path

I'm feeling sick
and left aside
no understanding
of friendly stories
to warm my heart

I don't feel free
guess no one does
it gets so lonely as time goes slowly
with moldy thoughts

Why gets so stormy on
the camel's back
I'll go to sleep on my own
and dream of the morning sun

I should be grateful
for what I've got

A messed up roof is always way better than having none
A messed up roof is always way better than having none

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