"Crazy JS Teacher"

This song is so underproduced that it's embarrassing. This time I got the mastering volume right, but a couple of unexplainable cracks and pops sneaked in... arrgg! There was a "pit of misery" moment in there when I was twisting the knobs and thinking I hate my fucking life, so I stuck to the principle of keep it fun, and moved along.

Each time I fail a bit better, my processes advance and get richer and more detailed every time, but God, I need a producer so bad, this stuff drains me, it always feels like fishing in the dark with a stick, I'd rather be doing anything else, for example music.

In any case, like the other quickies I'm releasing weekly, this is good practice and dexterity; you can figure out a lot a process and do a lot of preproduction, but in the end there is a kind of knowledge that you only get by running the whole process from one extreme to the other time after time after time...

The song is something I dreamt. Not something inspired by a dream, mind you, but something that was sung in my dream, and I woke up with enough remains of it to capture the jist: a very movable verse, in contrast with the monotone chorus sentence, which at the start steps a bit on the riff. In my dream, a very enthusiastic teacher used this song to describe the virtues of Java Script. The guy even had a coreography and all...

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