Case Study: Transport and movement
hey are a bit of evil twins those two: in Transport you move equipment or materials without creating value, and in Movement you move yourself without creating value. Egregious example that combines both in the musician world is when you carry a cable from one place to another, hoping that you'll be choosing the right plug for it, otherwise rinse and repeat, with no value created in all that mess except perhaps for your psychiatrist.
The solution, as with most of things in Lean, is simple and straightforward: color code! No more looking for the right entry, no more lottery when you have two identical jacks and don't know which one to plug. No more bending yourself over the holes to find the exact place where the cable goes. Better save that energy to feed the expressiveness in front of the mic, the guitar or whatever your weapon of choice is.
This kind of continuous improvement would be the intelligent thing to do even if your only role were roadie or sound engineer. Being a modern-musician-with-a-lot-of-roles, it is suicidal not doing it.
(The Green label connects with the SM57 cable, which I wasn't using at the moment)...