(My) 2017's new and noteworthy: 1) Inquisition

I didn't pay much attention to these guys at the beginning. I have to admit that the singer's style at first seemed to me a bit of a gimmick or a simple "whim", more than real substance. Something like "OK, let's see, what can we do different to stand out from the rest of black metal bands?"

However, as I've listened to them more, I've found there is an appropriate combination of elements in what these guys do, something that feels very authentic (and creepy) to me. In some songs like "Magnificent glorification of Lucifer" or "Ominous doctrines of the perpetual mystical macrocosm" (it's not the kind of band you play at your nephew's party), the drumming has a quality of "stubborn machine" that makes you think of some sick and incredibly perverted AC/DC or Prong; add to that the despair of the raspy guitars, put on top the monotone, ugly voice, and it sounds like music for slaves, with a mummified Torquemada taken out of the grave just for a while so he can sing; the son of a bitch still can move his putrid lips, but barely.

I'm far from being an expert in this band or style (I'm not even sure they are people I would like to hang out with), but listening to this kind of music now and then works for me like an acid bath that helps me make peace with my dark side. Ideology is no issue in my case (unless I know something about the musicians that makes them personally repugnant to me), I can also listen to a Christian singer if he is good, or I can listen to Viking metal and not being expected to worship at the altar of Odin...

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