Another useful graph
Here is another graph that I've found useful in this month's recording process.
I often remember that quote that says you can only explain something in simple worlds when you know it very well (example: Einstein won the the Nobel prize with a 5 pages essay).
I'm getting better at that and my processes shows. (The graph is in the unrefined Spanglish I've come to use in my computer and my notes; each of the languages has their virtues and shortcomings and I just pick the right tool for eah task each time).
Green shows the accomplished parts, red the still pending.
The black rectangle on the bottom is a "traffic light" that shows how well I'm doing. This month I'm having some unexpected complications with the guitar distortion, so I'm delayed from my plans and the light is red. That is also to say, I won't be able to deliver this month's song. I'll write about that when I'm finished with this iteration.
I often remember that quote that says you can only explain something in simple worlds when you know it very well (example: Einstein won the the Nobel prize with a 5 pages essay).
I'm getting better at that and my processes shows. (The graph is in the unrefined Spanglish I've come to use in my computer and my notes; each of the languages has their virtues and shortcomings and I just pick the right tool for eah task each time).
Green shows the accomplished parts, red the still pending.
The black rectangle on the bottom is a "traffic light" that shows how well I'm doing. This month I'm having some unexpected complications with the guitar distortion, so I'm delayed from my plans and the light is red. That is also to say, I won't be able to deliver this month's song. I'll write about that when I'm finished with this iteration.