My Leonard Cohen

Very sad news. I thought we still had a few years together, and maybe a couple of albums.

But, as it happens with the dear people you actually meet, when you've had a long acquaintance and the moments have been good, the pain at some point gives in to a certain state of serenity, of comformity; it was good being alive while you were alive, Mr. Cohen.

Last Saturday, in a sort of ceremony of remembrance, I went through YouTube doing a sort of "journey to the seed" thing. Listening to Cohen's works, as memory suggested them, starting in the final album "You want it darker", published only 3 weeks ago, and working my way backwards. Some of those songs never fail to make me cry, and naturally, this time was no exception. Here is the list (the chronology from 1989 backwards is a garbled mess):

Steer your way
You want it darker
Come healing
Different sides
The letters
Boogie Street
Alexandra Leaving
Tacoma Trailer
Ain't no cure for love
Jazz Police
Don't go home with your hard-on
Who by fire
There is a war
Lover, lover, lover
Sing another song, boys
Love calls you by your name
There are no diamonds in the mine
Last Year's man
The partisan
Tonight will be fine
Sisters of mercy
Chelsea Hotel
So Long Marianne
Bird on a wire
Hey that's no way to say goodbye

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