New Album "Pale Reflections" by Maple Dye


Here's an album so diverse that it's almost a mixtape. Some of the tracks were recorded in 2013 (and the composition of some of the song reaches back all the way to 1993!). They span through 2 countries, 5 houses, 3 audio interfaces... no wonder they are so varied. After trying different approaches for the playlist order, what I finally found was creating a bit of an "EP within an EP". The first series of songs starts with "As My Mood Goes Down" and closes with "Teaser Of Hell". From that point on, I looked at it as sort of an "after party", as if saying "OK, if you feel like it there's still more music ahead, but be warned that things are getting a bit weirder from this point on..."

All in all, I listen to the collection with joy (although it will also be a "joy" to stop listening for a while after these repetitive final steps...) My favorite this round is perhaps "Oh Dirty Happiness", I'm very happy with the way the crescendo in the middle came through...

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