
Showing posts from January, 2019

Musician Diaries Podcast Ep. 2 - Pentagram, or the dark side of darkness

Where I discuss the very unique career of Bobby Liebling, and how in a way there is a Bobby inside every musician... "Last days here" documentary Theme song: " Hey " by Juanitos (CC BY-SA)

"Human Life"

Change of plans; I'm afraid I'm going to have to reduce my podcast schedule for the moment to a podcast every other week (keeping at it, in compliance with arithmetic, until June instead of March). I apologize for the false start... In the spirit of still providing some kind of sonic product this week, here is "Human life", my first collaboration with Wikiloops (well, the first collaboration of my "second age", returning after ~2 years of being homeless). In everything music related, I've always found that new beginnings tend to have a remarkable, very particular "je ne sais quoi". I've found it to be true in the first concerts of my band after a new member had joined, the first album published by some of my heroes after some inactivity that was feared to be final... It is certainly true for me of this song, too, one of my favorite collaborations with WikiLoops until today. As always with my WikiLoops collabs, I cannot help repeating ...

Musician Diaries Podcast Ep. 1 - Where I digress

Podcast out! I've decided to try the podcast format for a while, firstly to try out something different, as a new outlet for expression (much needed as my equipment continues to act funky, limiting my production), and why not, perhaps to put in circulation out there a few ideas that I'd like to see showing up more often. My initial idea is to keep going with weekly chapters until March. Then I will make a recap and decide what I do next... In this first episode I ramble about all kind of stuff, and try to explain to the listeners (and to myself) why am I podcasting... Theme song: " Hey " by Juanitos (CC BY-SA)

"Under the Radar"

Happy new year everybody! Here is another of my collaborations with the WikiLoops crew. I've had them pretty abandoned lately since my processes reached a functional standard (in other words, I don't get so burnt out from my own projects), plus my gear has flunked big time, hopefully a "change of skin" out of which I'll get the equipment requiered to stop having to think about equipment anymore (work in process...) Among other beauties, this piece of music conquered my heart the moment I noticed the verse cadence avoided the trite solution used in millions of songs. I wrote lyrics telling a bit of my personal experience with what I've come to consider our age's main epidemics: the narcissistic personality disorder. People who is profoundly broken and pose and pass as normal, screwing all dimensions of human life and creating an enormous amount of suffering for everybody. Fortunately, there's a growing awareness about this problem, free lunch is over,...